Monday, February 29, 2016

First Mothers

Beverly Gherman
illustrated by Julie Dowing 2012 

I have never seen a book with this subject before.  A biography not of all the American presidents, or of their wives, but rather their mothers, perhaps the most invisible, forgotten and yet instrumental women behind such men.  As a whole, the book is fascinating.  Each president’s mother was as different and varied as the presidents themselves.  Some came from poverty, others from high class, some had fierce tempers, and some were fiercely religious.  Few were educated (a result of the eras they lived in) and many didn’t live long enough to see their sons become president .  Gherman gives them titles like "the brave mother", "the working mother", "the striving mother".  I love that the biographies are about them as women- their dreams, their plans, their background, and really treats them as worthwhile to learn about, not just in the context of their presidential sons.

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